Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024
Everyday sexism

How did nobody see this coming? 'Sexist' posters removed from back of Cardiff bus

“Ride me all day for £3″.

A CARDIFF BUS company has decided to pull an advert featuring a topless woman holding a “ride me all day” sign, after a major backlash.

New Adventure Travel LTD came in for criticism after this advertisement on the back of a bus debuted in the city yesterday.

ad NAT Group NAT Group

The company shared the image on its social networking sites, and were soon bombarded with accusations of bad taste and sexism.

Earlier Today NAT group released a statement ‘setting out our position’:

statement Twitter Twitter

What do you think of the ad?

Poll Results:

It's in terrible taste (525)
I don't see the problem (374)

People used #SorryMom to apologise to their Mams for acting the maggot and it was gold

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