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ivor is coming

This Irish guy's new profile pic was so hipster his friends turned it into a gas meme

And now he’s become a viral sensation.

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IVOR NOYEK IS a Cork man who currently lives in New York – and he’s had quite a week.

Last Sunday night, he thought he would change his profile picture on Facebook.

Nothing strange about that, but the one he picked was a little more hipster than he’d normally go for

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Sunglasses on, distant empty road stretching out behind him – this was pure Americana.

Once his friends spotted it though, they started having some fun

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They put Ivor into all sorts of situations – and it’s been chronicled on a Tumblr called Ivor is Coming

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It looks like this is a lesson in not getting too notion-y with your profile picture

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Because you might just become a seriously gas meme

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Ivor seems to be taking it well though, he did an interview with iRadio last night about his new found internet fame 

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We now have a new internet hero

On an unintentional quest to break the internet

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What other situations will he find himself in? Follow it all on the Tumblr here.

Kudos to Ivor’s mates – who took a good joke and ran with it.

hat-tip Mashable

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