1. Going through this every time you wanted to get online
And that wonderful sound. Ah.
2. Watching this little piece of paper fly into a folder for HOURS
3. Everyone having either eircom.net or oceanfree.net email addresses
4. And this as their homepage
4. Actually needing one of these places to access the internet
Gimme €2 worth of your finest internet minutes, please.
5. Having to wade through about 100 of these to get to an actual website
That’s when you knew you were probably somewhere you shouldn’t be.
6. Being billed for every minute you spent online
Scroll aimlessly AT YOUR PERIL.
7. And getting murdered when the phone bill came
“It says here you were on the internet for NINE HOURS. What were you DOING?”
8. Pictures loading like this
Oh, you wanted to see all of that bacon? Tough!
9. And of course, having to get off so your mam could make a phone call