Or maybe you’re heading to the microwave for your third bowl of homemade soup this week?
Imagine you could open a lunchbox today and find all of your childhood favourites peeping out at you.
We’re not talking your run of the mill Penguin bars (or any bar that can be bought in a multipack for that matter) or jam sandwiches.
We’re talking the good stuff… the stuff you agonised over with your 20p pocket money.
1. Big Time
The chocolate was suspect and chalkey and the toffee was potentially hazardous to your teeth, but Big Time bars lasted longer than any other treat known to man.
And that, as every knows, is the holy grail of treats.
via Caffreys
2. Eating paper
Surely one of the most exotic of childhood treats?
Costing at least five times your average pocket money intake, eating paper – though pointless and disgusting – would catapult into the big leagues in terms of lunchtime treat envy.
3. Mint crisp
It’s SO sophisticated to eat mint-flavoured things that aren’t toothpaste, don’t you know?
4. Smiley
What power-mad pen pusher in Cadburys thought that getting rid of these orange flavoured joys was a good idea?
Bring them back!
Via Bring Back Smiley Bars on Facebook
5. Stinger
Slime green teeth destroyers with a pink fizzy centre. What more could you ask for?
6. Pringles
Forget Burger Bites, forget Monster Munch, forget Waffles… if you could manage to harvest enough Pringles from the tube to bring as a lunchtime treat, you were a hero.
via Flickr/Creative Commons/Francis Bourgouin
If you were really posh, you had one of these to carry them in:
7. Billy roll sandwich
Not strictly a pocket money treat, but still something you might have begged your mother for at the deli counter in Quinnsworth.
You could dazzle your friends with your creepy meat-faced sandwiches.
via My Stupid Brain
8. Double Dip
A Swizzlestick AND two types of sherbet? Sign us up!
9. Wagon Wheel
Bending the rules a little here because Wagon Wheels come in a multipack, but they’re just so large and imposing, with so much going on.
Truly a sight to behold in any lunchbox.
via RetroToGo