Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# sasha obama

All time
Why does the internet care about Malia Obama's tshirt?
The Obama ladies' trip to Ireland cost $251,000
9 ways Ireland has gone crazy for the Obamas' visit
You have to hand it to them: Paddy Power are good at this
How the Obama girls can get a REAL Irish holiday experience
Dubliners warned of traffic restrictions as the Obama family comes to town
Obama tells daughters: If you get tattoos, so will Michelle and I
10 best memes from the 2013 Obama inauguration
10 ways we know Sasha Obama really runs the White House
Barack Obama formally begins second term as US President
Obama to be sworn in for his second term today... and tomorrow
First Daughters: 11 things to know about Malia and Sasha Obama
Bristol Palin slams Obama for listening to daughters on gay marriage