THERE IS NOTHING like binge-watching on your favourite shows whenever you feel like it. On-demand TV makes this is a beautiful possibility.
So, this got us thinking what TV shows we would love to see on Netflix Ireland.
One day we hope to see these pop up on the ‘Recently Added’ section of the beloved homepage:
With every single episode of Friends hitting the US version of Netflix on New Year’s Day, it’s not hard to see why we would want it online and on demand here in Ireland. You don’t want to have to rely on a pre-Joey-and-Rachel-relationship episode being on TV. We want to just click right to the best ones whenever we feel like it. Is that too much to ask?
RTÉ’s television sensation of the last few years would be perfect streaming material. Watching the whole saga unfold from the original days of Aiden Gillen’s John Boy, right through the season three peaks and on to the last days of Nidge would tie the story together nicely – as opposed to watching it as it went to air over a number of years.
Given that it is currently on other countries’ versions of Netflix, this one hurts.
The Simpsons
The news that US subscribers of FX can download an app that has every episode of The Simpsons available for streaming would make any sane person living outside the States jealous. Here, we wait for an episode to come on TV and hope that it’s pre-season 10 material. Imagine having all of them at your fingertip on an app? The mind boggles.
Another hit RTÉ show that we would love see made available online. Five seasons’ worth of quality restaurant-based drama available on demand? Yes, please. It launched the career of Charlene McKenna and is still considered one of RTÉ’s finest productions since it ended its run ended in 2013.
The comedy-drama that skewers the movie industry is available Stateside on HBO GO – and it would be a welcome addition to many people’s streaming schedules in Ireland. It finished up in 2011 after eight seasons of antics from Vincent Chase and his, eh, entourage. Still, there is a movie coming out later this year, so don’t be too disappointed.
Mad Men
The first six seasons are sitting over on the US Netflix, just out of reach for us here. The ’60s based advertising drama has always done well when shown on RTÉ and Sky Atlantic, so there is an extremely large market out there that would love to have it available for streaming.
One of the greatest sitcoms of all time would be welcomed with open arms by Netflix Ireland’s audience. The only time we can see it is during its breakfast showings on Channel 4 (what’s up with that?) and on Comedy Central. With its eleven seasons offering top gags and excellent continuous plot arcs, it would suit on demand streaming better than most.
Perhaps a bit of a cult classic, Futurama is still seriously popular online and is hardly reaching its largest audience in Ireland tucked away on Sky 1. Having the characters with the 1000-year hindsight available on demand – like they do on Netflix USA – would be quite something.
The West Wing
Once you get past the constant moralising on every topic, The West Wing truly is one of TV’s greatest dramas. Available Stateside on Netflix, this would be the perfect binge-watching show to start from the very beginning. We can dream.