Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# sign

All time
French police launch investigation into giant Tour de France crash culprit
Another lost World War II ÉIRE sign has been discovered at Wexford’s Hook Head
Wildfire unveils huge WWII 'EIRE' sign on Bray Head
'He’s lying to you' - UK MEP explains why he held up sign behind Nigel Farage
Controversial LED Pantibar sign will stay up after being classed as 'exceptional' case
This pub has an excellent plan for saving its customers from bad Tinder dates
This massive billboard proposal went up in Dublin last night
This massive billboard proposal has just gone up in Dublin
This great shop sign perfectly captures the mood in Ireland yesterday
So apparently a parent in south Dublin had one of those moments...
The University of Limerick has launched gender-neutral bathrooms
Panti defends 'gorgeous' sign amid complaints
So here's how NOT to tell someone their cat is dead
This Galway pub had the best possible response to the glorious weather
Someone changed the 'Grand Canal Docks' sign to say 'Grand Anal C***s'
This deeply unsentimental Tube sign perfectly captures the slog of your work commute
This sign in Carlingford has a stern message for dog owners
This new* Ireland supporter has the best sign of the Cricket World Cup
Irish Water contractors are covering up the signs on some of their vans
Er, we're not sure this 'Irish translation' is completely word-for-word...
12 of the most smartass graffiti responses to signs around Ireland
This graffiti in a Dublin office is the perfect response to the lift being broken
This unfortunate signpost in Laois is going viral
Someone excellently corrected the Gaeilge on this Dublin sign
George Takei accuses Trinity College Dublin of trolling students
Someone hacked an LA traffic sign to say "Read a f***ing book"
This Offaly pub's response to mindless vandalism is typically Irish
Someone took correcting this sign as Gaeilge into their own hands
Local business cashes in on Maynooth University sign debacle
New Maynooth University sign lasts ONE night before being wrecked
Serious Enda Kenny burn spotted on the streets of Cork
Perfect Irish response to a 'No Parking' sign
Sign in Co Kerry café forbids 'loud Americans' on the premises
Anyone in Kilkenny looking for a wife?
This sign for a Clonakilty second-hand shop is brilliantly honest
Coffee shop customises emergency bridge sign in stroke of genius
Sign on fun slide at new Ryanair offices warns 'no gobshites'
How to get free advertising on TV3 by chancing your arm
This Waterford warning sign is wonderfully Irish
'Women banned from watching match' sign a joke, says pub