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# Social Networking

All time
The social election: A €100k Facebook splurge by FF & FG ... and Michael Healy-Rae wins Instagram
We asked you to tell us what really grinds your gears on social media, and you didn't hold back
'One of the worst years of my life': Woman awarded €8k in unfair dismissal case
32% of Irish children are talking to strangers online every week
It's official - Facebook makes you miserable, according to new research
This is how Facebook plans to crack down on fake news
Twitter's founder was accidentally banned from the website
There seems to be no escape from Facebook's dominance
8 social disasters that would happen if Facebook stayed down
Mark Zuckerberg has written a lovely letter about his wife's miscarriages
Woman who set up site for Russian LGBT teens is fined for "gay propaganda"
Comedian takes to the streets to practice social networking skills in real life with cringey results
Twitter is making it easier for you to report nasty comments
Twitter share drop: It may be evolving, but not fast enough and nothing like Facebook
12 brilliantly sarcastic comebacks to Facebook posts
It's official. Everybody hates happy couples on Facebook
Everyone is talking about this app that only lets you say 'Yo'
New feature lets you 'ask' your Facebook friends about their relationship status
Column: What is the psychological impact of spending so much time in 'cyberspace'?
Mary Aiken
Your Facebook search history is a thing of nightmares
8 pointless social media interactions that need to stop right now
Everything you needed to know about Reddit but were too afraid to ask
Column: Facebook's early childhood was... complicated.
Colman Noctor
Column: Sorry politicians, you can’t avoid social media – people no longer accept being ‘talked at’
Niall Devitt
Here's how to unearth your first ever tweet
Is Facebook an 'infectious disease that will die out'?
Are these horrors awaiting you in your Facebook "Other" inbox?
Revenue using social networks to catch tax dodgers
18 of the funniest Irish Twitter political commentators you should follow in 2014
12 reasons Snapchat is worth way more than $3 billion
Column: Do you 'compartmentalise' your life on social media?
Molly Garboden
11 per cent of people in Ireland now have Snapchat (but just 3% have Vine)
These graphs show you what social media sites Irish people are using
Hashtags on #Facebook are now working in Ireland
Here's why you can't search for 'yellow duck' on a Chinese website
Yahoo! approves deal to buy Tumblr in $1.1bn takeover - report
Vin Diesel: Facebook 'owes me billions of dollars'
Facebook testing system where users pay to contact celebrities: report
Facebook to unveil new 'home' on Android screens
Facebook is changing the news feed... yes, again