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STIs, dehydration and stomach upsets: Top health dangers for Oxegen

Music and mud might get the most attention but revellers have also been warned to guard against health hazards posed by festivals ahead of Oxegen this weekend.

Fans brave the mud at Oxegen 2010.
Fans brave the mud at Oxegen 2010.
Image: Niall Carson/PA Archive/Press Association Images

PHARMACISTS HAVE ISSUED a warning about the top health threats for those planning to attend this weekend’s Oxegen music festival.

The main health hazards include unprotected sex and STIs, dehydration, stomach upsets, diarrahoea and sunburn.

Vice President of the Irish Pharmacy Union Rory O’Donnell said festival-goers should be especially cautious about the risks of unprotected sex: “Music festivals and sports events are generally linked to higher than normal incidents of unprotected sex and we would often note a rise in requests for the morning after pill after such events,” he said.

O’Donnell warned that normal oral contraception can become ineffective if the person is suffering from vomiting or diarrhoea, and urged people to use condoms to prevent against unwanted pregnancy and STIs.

O’Donnell also recommended some items that all festival-goers should bring: medication for stomach upsets and diarrhoea; antiseptic cream for bites, stings or cuts; sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher and antiseptic hand gel.

Meanwhile, the Asthma Society of Ireland has also issued an appeal to asthma and allergy suffers to remember their medication this weekend, saying that many elements of a festival environment can trigger attacks - such as weather changes, dust, pollen, moulds, cigarette smoke, aerosols, dry ice, exercise and alcohol. Sufferers have been urged to carry medication at all times and to make themselves aware of the location of medical tents.

Regional pollen forecasts can be found on the Asthma Society of Ireland’s website or by downloading the new, free iPhone application ‘Pollen Alert’ on IrishHealth.com.

Read more: Plan your Oxegen weekend now >

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