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Does this video prove Taylor Swift can't blow her nose in public?

It certainly looks that way.

2015 MTV Video Music Awards - Show Source: AP/Press Association Images

IF WE HAVE learned anything from Taylor Swift’s “Please welcome to the stage…” moments, it’s that Taylor Swift might be the most powerful woman in the world, and that she is both loved and feared by every other celebrity.

But a video from backstage at Sunday night’s MTV Video Music Awards demonstrates how powerful Taylor Swift really is.

Are you ready for this?

If this video is anything to go by, then we have reason to believe that Taylor Swift can’t be seen (a) blowing her nose in public or (b) with even the tiniest fleck of snot on her nostril.

Footage from the backstage area shows Swift entering the room…

insta Source: Melissa Stetten/YouTube

Before an assistant comes running at her with a tissue…

insta Source: Melissa Stetten/YouTube

ball Source: Melissa Stetten/YouTube

And her gaggle of assistants form a circle around her so as to shield Swift from the cameras.


insta Source: Melissa Stetten/YouTube

You can hear audible nose-blowing going on as a security guard stares straight into the backstage camera.

insta Source: Melissa Stetten/YouTube

All the while Taylor remains hidden from plain sight thanks to subtle arm work from the team of three people employed to protect her at all times?

prayercircle Source: Melissa Stetten/YouTube

Just before she departs, they shine a light on her nose to perform what we can only presume is a quick snot check.

insta Source: Melissa Stetten/YouTube

See? She’s more powerful than Oprah and Obama combined.

All hail Taylor.

Source: Melissa Stetten/YouTube

Previously: 8 defensible-in-court reasons Taylor Swift must be stopped >

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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