ACTUALLY, TO TELL you the truth, the list of the words and phrases deemed most annoying in 2011 is out.
The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion in New York publishes its list every year based on a sample of adults surveyed across the country. This year, “whatever” was deemed to be the most annoying word to be dropped into conversation – the third such year that it made it top of the poll.
The most annoying conversation fillers in 2011:
- Whatever (38 per cent)
- Like (28)
- You know what I mean (15)
- To tell you the truth (10)
- Actually (5)
We’re not entirely convinced by the selection – the survey was only carried out among 1,026 adults, although the cross-section looks pretty good in this document from Marist. And also, Marist appears to suggest the phrases to respondents and ask them to rate them.
So we’ll thrown the floor open to you. What do you consider to be the most annoying words or phrases from this past year? (They don’t have to be just filler phrases as per the Marist survey).
Tell us in the comments section below. Laters.