1. Not having to talk in the hairdressers
Imagine if the cultural norm was not to talk while having your hair cut.
No more conversations about holidays or where you’re going tonight. Bliss.
2. If the ATM didn’t ask so many questions
What service do you want? Irish or English? We might charge you, is that alright? Do you want a receipt?
3. If it was easier to carry laundry
Drop a sock, bend down to pick it up, drop a pair of scunderpants, bend down to pick them up, drop another sock… repeat ad nauseum.
4. If you could ring the remote
Or, you know, you could just get one of these:
5. If microwaves came with just three buttons
So much unnecessary buttonry. Let’s keep it simple.
Oh, and as for having to “stop and stir halfway through the cooking time” or “remove film after four minutes”… GIVE US A BREAK!
6. If people weren’t allowed to have private numbers
We could really live without the heartstopping fear that comes along with “UNKNOWN NUMBER”. Or even worse a MISSED CALL FROM AN UNKNOWN NUMBER!
7. If those self service checkouts in supermarkets could just identify EVERYTHING that’s in the bagging area
That would be great.