GIVE A GOLD star to these kids.
1. Like this pragmatic kid who knows that you probably shouldn’t bother building a house there
2. Or this kid who just gets it.
3. This kid who knows you should never “hit” a dog
4. And this kid who has their strategy for being stranded on a dessert island all figured out
5. Give this kid a Nobel Prize
6. Hey, at least the kid is honest
7. “You do this before you get up in the morning: Suffer”
Full marks for this kid.
8. This kid employing the “It is, because I said so” approach
9. This kid doesn’t care about hurting anyone’s feelings
10. “It’s an opinion!” We like to imagine that a six-year-old Larry David wrote this
11. Can’t argue with that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
12. I’ll tell you what’s a humdinger — this kid’s homework
“It humms. It dings.”
13. Happy Father’s Day!
“One day he will… die”
“I will always… come to his grave”
Heartwarming stuff.
14. This kid’s take on homophones is A+
15. Amazing how Lola just gets into the mind of the cat
We think she’s got a future in literature.
16. “So there.”
17. Finally, we’d like to give a special shout out to Jackie for this noble effort.
We salute you, Jackie.