SOMETIMES IT CAN seem like the world is full of darkness.
But there are some good eggs out there if you look hard enough.
Here are some times people were really good to each other.
1. The time this little girl’s parents made a plea for pizzas… and Reddit came through
A pizza party for everyone!
2. The time security guards in Trinity College were super sound and rescued this guy’s bike
3. The time this supermarket employee helped a customer tie his shoes
4. When this man forked over $140 to a woman selling flowers on the Subway
And made her day.
5. The time a random customer funded a waitress’ tip to Italy just because
6. The time a bus passenger informed a cyclist that his keys fell out of his pocket 800m up the road.
He witnessed the whole thing from the bus window! Lifesaver.
7. When Des Bishop offered people lifts to the polling station, so they could vote in the marriage referendum
And followed through on his promise!
8. The time Santa found this guy’s wallet and posted it back to him
9. The time train passengers used people power to free a man trapped between the platform and the train
10. The time an Irish Rail passenger commended a young man for speaking to elderly passengers on the train
And he responded in the most humble way possible.
11. The time this family issued the best birth announcement ever and let their son know he was loved
12. The time Brian O’Driscoll made this little girl’s life
13. The time a New York City police officer bought a homeless man a pair of winter boots
14. The time a woman offered to buy her mother a Nutribullet as part of her cancer treatment… and a stranger from Gumtree bought her one and refused to accept any money in return.