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This Irish guy has been trolling a store in London by making rude Nutella jars

Daring escapades.

EVER SINCE NUTELLA announced the fact that you could personalise jars with names, people have been waiting for somebody to bring some comedy to the proceedings.

And one Irish man living in London has been doing just that – by going into Selfridges and requesting some interesting dedications:

The pranksters name is Seamas O’Reilly and he’s a Derry writer and musician currently living in London – who previously found internet fame with his excellent fake missed connections that were printed in a London newspaper.

He started his Nutella project off with “backdirt” but upped his game with his next request, nearly a month later:

Seamas tells DailyEdge.ie that “arsemuck” was a particularly difficult one to get past the censors – as retail outfits have been keeping eagle eyes on rude words being attached to the Nutella jars from the get go.

So, how did he get “arsemuck” past them? Well, he said it was a traditional Irish name:

Yeah the smart move I made there was affecting utter disbelief at the idea they’d not heard of the name. It was a bit of a fluke that they took it as read.

But two rude jars into the exercise – and always hitting the same Selfridge’s department store – he felt that the staff were starting to catch on what was happening:

They kinda spotted me once or twice and I just ducked out of the queue to try another day.

And try another day he did.

This week saw his third successful attempt at a rude Nutella jar

This time, “bumgravy” was etched on to the jar for purely comedy purposes – and it was the easiest one yet:

There was weirdly only one person there. I was walking past and I just saw him on his own. There’s often four or five. I kept talking to him while it was printing just to make sure.

So there is it. One Irish man’s attempt to hoodwink Selfridges with increasingly obvious personalised jar demands

Excellent work.

 hat tip Mashable

More This Irish guy has been excellently trolling a newspaper’s missed connections page>

About the author:

David Elkin

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