Dublin: 5 °C Saturday 15 February, 2025

A Love Letter To Our Fallen Comrade: The Twitter Fave

Sleep soundly.


TODAY WE SAY goodbye to a trusted friend, a loyal partner, a multi functional soldier in the war between shade and respect.

Today, we say goodbye to the Twitter fave.


The Twitter fave, or ‘star’ has been replaced with a heart; a ‘like’ if you will. Yet all it has done is cut to the very core of who were are as tweeters, and as people.

We’ll miss how you helped us end conversations with just one click

Nothing said ”I’m done with this conversation” like a silent fave.

Nothing said ”guys, leave me out of this now, yeah?” like that noiseless star.

Now were are doomed to spend eternity in 52-tweet long threads about who remembers Italia 90 the best, uselessly ‘hearting’ away, shouting into the void.


We’ll miss your #shade

Nothing said ”oh, nice subtweet” like a shady fave.

Nothing said ”I’m not getting involved but I want to show my low level support for whatever hot take is happening here” like a shady fave.

Nothing said ”m8″ like a shady fave.

How can you throw shade with a heart? SHADE DOESN’T HAVE A HEART.

We’ll miss how you let us be thirsty

“Oh hi Twitter crush. What you’ve just said isn’t particularly witty or noteworthy, but I’m going to fave it anyway, just so you know I’m still here”.

ghost Source: tumblr

The heart is just so… obvious. Let us have our covert thirst. At least let us have that.

And finally, we’ll miss what was at your very core

Sometimes, some tweets just deserved a fave. A fave AND a retweet if it was truly top notch. A tip of the cap to say “Bravo, sir. Bravo”.

Sleep well, sweet Twitter fave prince. Sleep well. We’ll always have the soft block.

My-Animation Source: chsie

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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