SOCIAL MEDIA NOW generates more web traffic than pornography and causes one in five divorces, according to a new video on the power of online networking.
The clip, the latest in a series compiled by Socialnomics author Eric Qualman, charts the rise of social websites through facts and numbers. You can watch the clip below – but we’ve picked out some of our highlights:
- One in five couples now meet online, with the figure rising to three in five for gay couples.
- One in five divorces are blamed on Facebook – which is now bigger than Google in US traffic numbers.
- If Facebook were a country, it would be the world’s third largest.
- Lady GaGa, Justin Bieber and Britney Spears have more Twitter followers than the entire populations of Sweden, Israel, Greece, Chile, North Korea and Australia.
- Traditional email is falling out of favour, with some universities no longer giving out email accounts.
Video: The Social Media Revolution