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nice to be nice

10 lovely acts of kindness to remind you that people can be great

Happy World Kindness Day!

TODAY IS WORLD KINDNESS Day – our yearly reminder to be a bit nicer every day, whether its through big gestures or small, random acts of kindness.

To mark the day, here a few reminders that the world isn’t all that bad. We promise.

1. The shop assistant who happily helped an elderly man tie his shoes

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Small but meaningful.

2. The man who rescued an injured, abandoned dog and nursed it back to health

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WARNING: The dog’s journey is fully documented at the source, but there are some photos of extreme neglect that some readers may find disturbing.

3. The boys who wore skirts to school in support of their transgender friend

Os Cariocas - Timeline Photos | Facebook Facebook Facebook

Their friend was fined for wearing a skirt to school, so they protested by wearing skirts themselves. Solidarity.

4. Johnny Depp dressing up as Captain Jack Sparrow to visit children at a London school

gpoppa11 / YouTube

A little girl wrote a letter to him saying she wanted to start a mutiny. So obviously, he had to help.

5. The legend who realised that everyone loves a treat

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6. The little lad who shared an umbrella with a deer pal

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7. The bear that scooped a drowning bird out of danger


Kindness isn’t reserved for humans.

8. The little girl who donated her hair to make a wig for a child with cancer

FlyPress Films / Vimeo

Her doll got a matching haircut too. :’)

9. The woman who received a little pep talk with her take away

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10. And these stories from some of our own commenters




What’s the kindest thing a stranger has ever done for you?>

Little girl gets adorably emotional while watching The Chipmunks>

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