1. When this gal had to lie in a bath of biscuits
2. “Barmbrack is cool, guys.”
3. When Roz Purcell was forced to make loads of faces beside various dead fish
4. When Rosanna Purcell was roped in to make pensions seem young and sexy
5. When Nadia Forde had to lie seductively on a till in Lidl
6. When Rosanna Davison had to act like this cow was just One Of The Gals
7. When Georgia Salpa had to wear a dress made out of €100 notes and act like it wasn’t tacky
8. When Amanda Brunker had to lie on a load of potatoes á la American Beauty
9. When these two gals had to gaze lovingly at Mr. Tayto
10. When Glenda Gilson had to make The Bagel Factory’s €1 off all smoothies offer campaign seem… sultry
11. When these two gals had to smell each other under the watchful gaze of Gay Byrne
12. And when these two had to push around this thing as part of a “Lose The Belly” campaign
2001 was a different time, lads.
13. Oh nothing, just two gals with chocolate smeared all over their faces
14. Ah yes, another potato shoot.
15. “We’re just going to paint your insides on your tummy there and have you pose with a basket of fruit and veg, yeah?”
16. When these gals had to very serious about osteoperosis
17. When poor Michelle Doherty had to model a €36,000 G-string
18. When there was clearly no budget for the Off The Rails Live photocall and Caroline Morahan and Pamela Flood had to just smile through it
19. “Haha girls, do you get it? 69? Like the sex thing?”
20. “Act like you want to shift the ventriloquist dummy.”
21. “And finally, girls can you just make maturing SSIA funds seem… youthful and vibrant? Love it. That’s perfect.”