YESTERDAY, ARAS AN Uachtaráin uploaded President Michael D. Higgins special St. Patrick’s Day address.
The whole thing was delivered as Gaeilge in Michael D’s trademark lilt and you can watch it below.
Now, as you may or may not be aware, YouTube offers automatic captioning on its videos.
And it seems that it had a bit of difficulty understanding what Michael D was saying, as evidenced by these unintentionally hilarious subtitles.
Tina Fey typ articular wit me to my head
What he’s actually saying: “…beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig a sheoladh chuig muintirna hÉireann…”
is a Lolla pottery longer talk to me to Kayla
What he’s actually saying: “Is é Lá ‘le Pádraig an lá go dtagaimidle chéile…”
cock merely she can’t play in his scaly
What he’s actually saying: “…imirceach míle sé chéad bliain ó shin…”
tokisch con blackjack I just couldn’t put the new iPhone know it D raja black
What he’s actually saying: “…dúchais chun bailte agus chunpobailnua a bhunú i dtíortha thar lear…”
I was a boon token up Rigi dicen que Dieu Libyan are surely popiel
What he’s actually saying: “Tugann na paráidí agus an cheiliúradh a bhíonn ar siúl ibpobail…”
I was on a show that will bar a gift card Justin agree yuck
What he was actually saying: “…agusorthu siúd a bhfuil bá aguscaradasina gcroí acu…”
I was on a show that will bar a gift card Justin agree yuck
- you, sending a drunk text tonight
(Speech via here.)