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11 fictional homes we wish we could live in

Who doesn’t want to live in the Home Alone house?


NOT ONLY DOES Hugh Hefner turn 86 this week but his famed Playboy Mansion is apparently up for sale.

Whatever you think about Playboy and / or the Playboy Mansion it’s turned into a pop culture icon especially on TV from it’s setting for the E! reality series Girls of the Playboy Mansion  to turning up in shows such as Sex and the City, Entourage and  Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

The Playboy Mansion is just one of a pile of houses from movies and TV that we’ve always wanted to live in. We’ve had a think through our favourites to bring you some of the homes we wish we could definitely see ourselves living in.

1. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

Cameron’s house in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off was totally amazing what with the abundance of glass, the forest setting and the Ferrari.

It’s the kind of home that generations of movie fans still obsess over.

And it’s been up for sale numerous times, last going on the market in 2011.

The place must have been a struggle to sell as estate agents had cut the price to $1.65 million the last time they tried to flog it.

This video gives you a guided tour and is kind of brilliant:

srfup / YouTube

2. Clueless

Image via movieclips / YouTube

Another teen movie abode we still love is Cher's column-tastic palace from 90s teen classic Clueless.

The exteriors are amazing but also loved that giant staircase, particularly when Cher and Josh share a kiss on them at a key point in the film.

If we were going to live in any particular ridiculous Hollywood mansion it'd be this one.

3. The Osbournes

Zuma/Yarish/EMPICS Entertainment

The Osbournes was the first big reality show to show us how a famous family wasn't a million miles from our own. They swore, fought and generally reminded you of your own family troubles.

The one thing that was different was their super swanky house with it's big kitchen, giant bedrooms and Ozzy's lair where he'd sit and swear at anyone who approached him.

It was the kind of ridiculous family pad you only wished you were cool enough to live in.

The Obsournes sold the house to Christina Aguilera in 2007 (Which is funny given how the family famous feuded with her) who then sold it on earlier this year.

comedygold224 / YouTube

4. The Simpsons

Many of us spent most of our youth curled up in front of hours of Simpsons repeats and wanted to dive into the colorful world of the Simpsons house.

In fact in 1997 the makers of the show built a real-life (!) version of the house and offered it as a competition prize.

LENNOX MCLENDON/AP/Press Association Images

This is the stuff of childhood dreams and looks amazing:

LENNOX MCLENDON/AP/Press Association Images

Despite the attention to detail involved the person who won the competition took a cash prize and the house was eventually sold.

Now it's been made to look like a regular house but there are details of the Simpsons past still found which you can see in this video:

glorianig / YouTube

5.  Sex and the City

Carrie's apartment is one of a number of ridiculous New York living spaces that you'd clearly never be able to afford in real life.

She managed to fit an awful lot of clothes into what was a pretty small space but plenty of fans would still happily shack in Carrie's gaff (before that hideous makeover at the end of the first movie)

marilyninsomniac / YouTube

The exterior for Carrie's abode is still a tourist attraction. We're sure the neighbours are sick of all the visitors:

Julie Manker / YouTube

6. Keeping Up With the Kardashians

Love or loathe them, the Kardashians have taken the mantle from the Osbourne family as the reality TV clan whose scraps and mishaps remind us of our own.

They have a supremely swanky house befitting their trendy lifestyle.

Mind you, as this rather in-depth YouTube clip points out, they use a different house for the exteriors used in the program.

The cheek.

livelaughpeaseILx / YouTube

7.  Father of the Bride

This Steve Martin classic still makes us smile everytime and it's hard not to love that big, perfect suburban American house they all lived in.

It's the kind of house you figured only existed in movies.

It went up for sale in 2011 but even in 2010 it still seemed to look exactly the same:

bassplay12 / YouTube

8.  The Goonies

STEPHANIE FRITH/AP/Press Association Images

The 80s gem that you can still watch over and over today has a house that you can visit.

Should you ever find yourself in Astoria, Oregon you can visit the actual house from the movie.

We're painfully excited and will see you there.

9. The Flintstones

They had the ultimate kooky cartoon pad and they made living around dinosaurs seem oddly enjoyable.

Strimturean Ronan Viorel Nicolae / YouTube

(It didn't look quite the same in the live action movies sadly)

And it seems that American TV/radio icon Dick Clark was a Flintstones fan if this real-life Flintstones pad he owned was anything to go by:

Buzz60 / YouTube

10. Downton Abbey

Steve Parsons/PA Archive/Press Association Images

If we're going to live in a castle then we're going to live in the one from Downton Abbey

The series is filmed at Highclere Castle in Hampshire.

It's the kind of quintessentially English castle you'll have swooned over in many a period drama and we wouldn't mind even getting to spend an evening there. Imagine.

Thankfully you have this helpful tour from Countess Carnarvon to give you a sense of what life at Highclere Castle is really like:

11.  Home Alone

This is the house that was as much the star of the iconic kid's classic as Malcaulay Culkin himself.

The McCallister home is located in Illinois in real life and was sold for $1.85 million last year.

Before they sold it the estate agent happily gave a guided tour around the house and it's very swanky.

Wonder if Maclaulay thought about putting in an offer:

YoChicago1 / YouTube

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