EVERYONE KNOWS HOW cute puppies and kittens are. It’s a given. Everyone loves them. They are completely, undeniably adorable. No arguments here.
What about the lesser-spotted babies in the animal kingdom? They need some love too.
A puggle is a baby echidna.
This video of a puggle is unmissable. A weird, wonderful baby animal.
Harp seal
Look into his big brown eyes.
Image: via FactZoo
Cold paws, warm heart.
Hello there.
Image: via ZooBorns
The babby marmoset fits perfectly on your finger like a living, breathing pencil-topper.
Who knew anteaters were this cute?
Image: via Ocean Beach Bulletin
God love him, he adores his mammy.
Teacup piglet
This tiny teacup piggie wants his porridge!
This video is made even better by the fact that this piglet is named “Hamlet”. Genius.
Look at his little wing!
Image: via Dublin Zoo
You can visit this little fella for real at Dublin Zoo.
This is a year-old baby Beluga whale calf.
Image: via ZooBorns
This mighty toddler weighs in at 450lbs.
Tasmanian devil
Remember Taz, the cartoon Tasmanian devil?
Image: via Zooborns
Taz like you’ve never seen him! Bottle-feeding!
Pygmy hippo
You know what’s cuter than a baby animal? A PYGMY baby animal!
Image: via ThatCuteSite
This pygmy hippo is enjoying a bit of lettuce. He’s on a diet maybe.
Polar bear
You there…
You're a ticklish lil fella! Yes you are!
Baby tapirs are lil cuties too.
Image: via Tapirs.org
Look at his tiny snout! All the better for cuddling with.
Check out these twin baby sloths, Violet and Sebastian...
That's right, they just got shaved, slathered in lard and put in pyjamas. These twins are living the absolute dream.
Image: via Tumblr
Look! He's as shocked as you are that baby otters don't get more love.
What's your favourite unusual animal, baby or otherwise?