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# arrested development

All time
Arrested Development star Jessica Walter dies aged 80
Jason Bateman says he's 'incredibly embarrassed' over his response to Jessica Walter's tears
People are criticising the male stars of Arrested Development for defending Jeffrey Tambor's behaviour towards Jessica Walter
How Much Do You Remember From Arrested Development?
15 jokes and references only Arrested Development fans will get
18 differences between going out in college and going out in your 20s
9 of the best running gags in Arrested Development
Some hero has recreated your favourite TV shows in The Sims 4
Developers owe local councils over €570 million
36 ways to cheat your way through any TV conversation
10 TV shows whose supporting characters deserve spin-offs
Arrested Development and House of Cards had a war of words on Twitter
12 things to eat while watching Arrested Development
WATCH: The official trailer for the new Arrested Development episodes
Why was there an Ostrich at the Arrested Development premiere?
The new episodes of Arrested Development are nearly here
Weird Wide Web: Arrested development, Pac-Man post-its and the world's smallest charger
7 TV shows that were saved by their fans
The Daily Fix: Monday
Arrested Development is back - and bound for movie screens