THE PARADE IS in full swing throughout Dublin city centre – from Christchurch to O’Connell Street.
Thousands are lining the path of the parade, with millions more watching on RTÉ at home and abroad.
And just now a man spotted his opportunity to join in – in his boxers
Look at him go
Des Cahill and Bláthnaid Ní Chofaigh’s reactions were GREAT
This is ireland - Gardaí ignoring a streaker, commentators saying "ah yeah. Fair play". Haha #laFeilePadraig
— Laura Nolan (@lauraannenolan) March 17, 2017
(If you can’t see the video, click here)
Des (laughing):
Look at the guy running along!
Ah yeah, fair play.
Casual, like.
He made some wise decisions though
It’s not the best weather for a go at streaking, but at least he got on the telly.
Wave to the people!