Dublin: 14 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# commander hadfield

All time
Commander Hadfield is here to make you feel a whole lot better about 2015
Commander Hadfield made a charming Astronaut's Guide to Ireland
Parody video sees puppets take the mickey out of Commander Hadfield
The 39 photographs that took our breath away this year
Pics: Hundreds queue around the block to see Commander Hadfield
Hello, commander: Chris Hadfield is in Dublin today
Commander Chris Hadfield is having a tough time readjusting to gravity
25 good things that have happened since the last budget
PAC chairman hoping to replace Cmmdr Hadfield, bring wife and son: The week's news skewed
Commander Chris Hadfield got an award for tweeting as Gaeilge
Here's Commander Hadfield's first Earth meal after months in space
Is that Ireland under all that weather?
Did you know you can see these things from space?
Here’s what dinner looks like in space
Here's how they're celebrating St Patrick's Day in space
The Queen, Obama and now Barroso... they've all had a go at cúpla focail
Our favourite Twitter exchange of the day
'My daughter is in Ireland': Astronaut Chris Hadfield says 'ask me anything'