VANITY FAIR’S OSCAR bash was THE place to be if you were at the Oscars last night, and the magazine’s social media accounts most definitely proved that.
From trick-actin’ on the carpet to some serious dance floor action, the celebs well and truly let their hair down once the ceremony was over.
Jennifer Lawrence rocked up in this delightful ensemble and managed to stay on her feet.
Let’s see that fall again, shall we?
Lupita brought her gong and a whole new gown, looking effortlessly elegant as always.
Jared Leto shared the love – and his Oscar – on the carpet.
His mammy raised him well, so she did.
Benedict Cumberbatch ‘got lucky’.
We bet it just wasn’t the same without his partner in crime though.
Bill Murray was the life and soul of the party.
He photobombed Selena Gomez.
And Lupita even sang a duet with him.
They sang along to Lulu. LULU.
They all pulled their best Zoolander faces for some seriously snazzy Instagram portraits.
Including this bloomin’ beautiful snap of Kerry Washington.
And this pose-off.
There was a bit of sympathy staring going on.
And a very very beautiful young Hollywood love-in that you’d only get at an Oscars bash.
Can you imagine?
And what about the Irish? Were we well represented?
Fassbender gets an honorary acting the maggot award for not showing up with his mammy. We bet she’d have loved a good dance with Mr Cumberbatch.