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People are not impressed with this 'racist' Daily Mail article about GBBO

The finalists are only the finalists because of some big PC conspiracy, apparently. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

8948662-low_res-the-great-british-bake-off BBC / Love Productions/Mark Bourdillon BBC / Love Productions/Mark Bourdillon / Love Productions/Mark Bourdillon

THE DAILY MAIL HAS a new target – and it’s the squeaky clean BBC institution, the Great British Bake Off.

After last week’s super tense semi-final, we were left with three very capable bakers: Nadiya, Tamal, and Ian.

But DM columnist Amanda Platell thinks that they made the final not on their talent, but on political correctness gone mad. Mmm hmm.

Liberal Democrats annual party conference 2010 Dave Thompson / PA Wire Dave Thompson / PA Wire / PA Wire

Platell (who isn’t a stranger to offending people) penned a short article about the programme for yesterday’s paper, saying 20-year-old Flora Shedden was booted out last week for not being “PC enough” for the BBC.

We are left with Muslim mum Nadiya Hussain, gay doctor Tamal Ray, and New Man Ian Cumming. Poor Flora Shedden never stood a chance. She was far too middle class – and was booted off this week after her chocolate carousel was deemed sub-standard. Perhaps if she’d made a chocolate mosque, she’d have stood a better chance.

gbbofinalists BBC / Love Productions BBC / Love Productions / Love Productions

The article has found virtually no favour on Twitter, with people calling it “nauseating” and asking how anyone who actually watched the show could think this way:

Some are proud of how diverse the show is this year:

Others are hoping the finalists go all out, PC-wise, just to anger Platell even further:

Showstopper idea for the finale: Nadiya, Tamal and Ian must bake a cake made out of rainbows and smiles, and we’ll all eat it and be happy. Just a thought.

7 reasons why Nadiya MUST win the Great British Bake Off>

The cream horn challenge took the Great British Bake Off to new heights of innuendo>

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