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6 things you'll hear new homeowners say

Trust us, you’ll recognise these gems. You might have even said them yourself.

IT’S A MONUMENTAL event in anyone’s life – the first home that’s all your own.

But it often seems that buying a home consumes conversation for months. You’ll see your friend transform from the joker down the pub to property-obsessed new homeowner, right before your very eyes.

Here are a few things you’ll definitely hear them say.

1. “We’re staying in tonight, got so much to do in the house”

It’s taking over their lives.

Source: Daily Cognition

2. “We’ve a big job to do on the garden…”

Not only will a new homeowner let you know ALL about their renovations plans, but look forward to hearing about their landscaping ideas. Even if they’re well aware you hate gardening.

Source: Fluffy Flowers

3. “Of course, we had to do the whole kitchen from scratch”

Cue a fifteen minute pondering about the relative merits of different surface finishings. Argh.

Source: rightherewriteaway

4. “Take off your shoes!”

Are they really THAT precious about the new carpets? Apparently so.

Source: Favim

5. “We just had to stop renting… It’s dead money you know”

Thanks for telling us. What are you, our mother?

Source: Shutterstock

6. “And when are you thinking of buying yourself?”

Listen, if we were – we’d tell you.

Source: adagiago

There’s nothing a new homeowner wants more than other people to join their club. Sure who else would put up with their chat about insulation?

Interested in more information on a mortgage with EBS? Click here

Are any of these familiar? Let us know in the comments.

About the author:

Fiona Hyde

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