Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# funny kids

All time
This little kid's deeply unfortunate bike safety picture is going viral
Watch these Tipp kids hilariously insist they didn't play with any paint
A little girl wrote her mam a fairly devastating break-up letter
Kids Are The Worst is the Instagram account every parent needs to follow
11 times kids sent the best Valentines
This little girl is far too impressed by her own farts
This kid mortified his mam in the shop with maxi pads, and promptly went viral
This 2-year-old just found out she's single, and she's pretty devastated
This little girl met her shadow for the first time, and it TERRIFIED her
Watch these giddy twins 'fall asleep' the second they hear their mam's voice
This little boy has a completely foolproof way of stealing chocolate bars
This little girl threatening to move out epitomises the struggle of having brothers
Girl writes note to her crush, gets a surprisingly deep response
Little kid outshines everyone else at wedding with amazing dance move
13 wonderfully bizarre jokes written by children
Hilarious Irish kids don't have a clue who runs the country
Little boy attempts to master the art of whistling, fails adorably
This little boy is absolutely devastated that he can't get married yet
Well-spoken little boy gives out to his mam for being pregnant
Little girl tries to convince mam she didn't eat a doughnut...with chocolate all over her face
Kid is devastated after cruel dad steals his ear and nose
Little boy has extremely melodramatic reaction to taking a plaster off
Baby boy does an excellent impression of his pregnant mother
Kid provides hilariously irrefutable evidence that her dog is a girl
Little girl plots against her brother in hilariously evil list
9 extremely insightful diary entries from primary school kids
This 5-year-old kid has more relationship woes than you do
Irish primary school kids hilariously discuss their ideal superpowers
Little girl has first taste of salt and vinegar crisps, reacts adorably
This little girl is the cutest comedian on the internet
Irish kid's hilarious handwritten recipe calls for 'mental butter'
Conversations with a 3-year-old at bath time
The most ridiculous things we all believed as kids
Star Wars, as told by kids...