SO ARGO WON big at the Golden Globes, Jodie Foster came out and Amy Poehler and Tina Fey were amazing as hosts… but let’s all be honest here. We’re most interested in the frocks.
Lena Dunham showed that despite being the brains behind the hit show Girls, she will always look like she’s wearing a debs dress, Lucy Liu wore a pair of curtains but managed to pull it off, and Michelle Dockery (Lady Mary from Downton Abbey) gets our nod for best dressed.
Images: Tammie Arroyo / AFF-USA.COM/AFF/EMPICS Entertainment – Chase Rollins/AFF/AFF/EMPICS Entertainmen – John Shearer/Invision for AMC/AP Images – LuMar Jr./AFF/AFF/EMPICS Entertainment – Dan Steinberg/AP/Press Association Images