Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024
work it out

Indian government worker sacked after pulling a 24-year-long sickie

The civil servant took leave from work in 1990 and never came back.

AND YOU THOUGHT you were pushing it by taking a day here and there.

An Indian government worker has been finally been sacked after taking leave 24 years ago and never coming back to work.

Assistant executive engineer AK Verma first went on leave in December 1990 after working at the country’s central public works department for ten years.

The Guardian reports that although his applications for additional leave were denied, he refused to return to work.

An inquiry held in 1992 found him guilty of “wilful absence from duty” – even so, it took 22 years and the intervention of a cabinet minister before anyone attempted to fire him.

Civil servants in India are notoriously work-shy, with many fond of coming in late and taking extra-long lunches, and laws make it almost impossible to fire staff for any reason except criminal activity.

But before you get any ideas - according to CNBC, certain states have made changes to the law to make it easier to hire and fire staff.

You have to admire his pluck all the same, don’t you?

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