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# High heels

All time
Murderer tries to escape prison dressed as woman but his high heels gave him away
'Outdated and sexist': MPs tell employers to stop making women wear high-heels
12 essential facts of life for women who hate high heels
This actor completely snotted himself trying to walk in heels on live TV
Woman wins right to not have to wear high heels to work
Hey men, this is what it's really like to wear high heels for a day
Chris Pratt was challenged to run in heels, and was unexpectedly good at it
Should high heels be banned? A case for and against
Cannes 'turned away' an amputee who wasn't wearing high heels on the red carpet
Women are being 'refused from Cannes red carpet' for not wearing heels, and people are angry
Girl faceplants at graduation, demonstrates the perils of high heels
Temple Bar's cobbled streets under threat as women wearing stilettos can't walk on them
12 things men will never understand about wearing high heels
The PSNI is handing out free flip flops to women walking home in high heels
Men try desperately to understand women's beauty secrets
Some women last over an hour, others can only stand 10 mins
Pics and video: the 6 best bits from the Rose of Tralee