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Pillow talk

Irish couples talk sex, marriage and spooning (while in bed and on telly) – but who said what?

It’s quiztime at as we ask you to guess which couples have said what about their bedtime habits. Don’t worry, we’ve kept it (relatively) clean.

WHAT DO YOU and your significant other talk about when you tuck yourselves in and turn off the lights? Do you have any habits or routines? Would you tell the nation about them?

That is exactly what these eight couples have done.

On Monday, a documentary called In Bed With The Irish delves into the “hearts, minds and bedrooms” of Ireland by talking to a range of Irish couples – some married, some not; some with kids and some without.

Nothing is sacred as love, intimacy, sex, marriage and religion are discussed. Attitudes towards the most-serious matters of duvet stealing, snoring, who-sleeps-on-what-side and the debate about the telly in the room are also uncovered.

RTÉ Two has given a sneak peek of what to expect with this list of quotes from the programme.

THE QUIZ: Take a look at the following quotes and pictures. Can you figure out who said what? Leave your scores (and any other thoughts) in the comments section.

Quote 1:

My first memory…I spied this little ass walking up the road.

Quote 2:

At night normally, I fill the glasses of water and bring them up but I hardly ever drink glasses of water. But I still bring a glass of water up to bed with me now. I don’t know why, sometimes I think; why do I do it?

Quote 3:

He does bring Twitter to bed. He could be spooning and I see he has his iPhone behind me and he is on Twitter.

Quote 4:

There is a comparison between marriage and having a hot bath. Well, it is not so hot after you have been in it for a while. This thing can cool down as you are going along and there are probably in between periods where it would slacken a bit.

Quote 5:

We’d both be very happy with our sex life and it is as adventurous as either of us want to go.”

Quote 6:

I remember seeing this lad who sat beside the fax machine and I found an awful lot of reasons to use the fax machine. He succumbed to the longing look in my eyes.

Quote 7:

I think it is dangerous to allow a TV or a laptop in your bedroom.

Quote 8:

He steals it (the duvet) all the time. I’ve just given up, it’s like trying to wrestle from a bear. You just kind of cocoon yourself, so I have just learned to follow the warmth, to stay alive.

Irish couples talk sex, marriage and spooning (while in bed and on telly) – but who said what?
1 / 8
  • John and Alison

  • Rory and Dee

  • Anne and Eamon

  • Glenn and Adriano

  • Joe and Catherine

  • Stephen and Marie Claire

  • Darragh and Stephanie

  • Ailbhe and Michael

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