Dublin: 6 °C Friday 24 January, 2025

Several King Joffrey (that b***ard) sightings around Dublin

Meanwhile, doesn’t he look awfully like a crazed Roman emperor?


He’s minding his own business, being the most hated character on television, tipping around Dublin, and getting evil glares everywhere he goes.

Joffrey (aka actor Jack Gleeson) is of course familiar with the Dublin streets, having graduated from Trinity College last year.

His Game Of Thrones persona follows him wherever he goes though…

Even our own Michael Freeman couldn’t escape, sending this SOS yesterday evening:

Meanwhile, have you noted the striking resemblance between Joffrey and the Roman emperor Caligula?


Via Imgur

VIDEO: Did you spot Gary Lightbody in Game of Thrones?

6 Game of Thrones basics you need to know>

7 behind-the-scenes reasons to love Game of Thrones>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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