TAKING KIDS TO see a film can be a hellish experience, during which many a mammy, daddy and/or guardian struggles to stay awake.
However, there are those odd occasions when something amazing happens.
You enjoy the movie quite a lot, and possibly even more than they do.
And when you finally leave the cinema you can’t stop telling everyone just how much you liked it either, even though you’re not sure you should be admitting it in the first place.
Don’t despair: We have ALL been there.
Here are just 14 fantastic kids’ movies that it’s perfectly OK for adults to love.
1. Finding Nemo
Back in 2003 the tale of a tiny clownfish’s journey from the Great Barrier Reef to a Sydney dentist’s office in pursuit of his missing son charmed cinema-goers everywhere.
More than 10 years on some adults can actually recite the address of that very dentist’s office off by heart, and we all know “just keep swimming” is a legitimate philosophy for life.
Don’t forget there’s a sequel due some time in 2015 too.
2. Up
Did you see THAT montage? Well, did you?
#kantkope doesn’t even begin to cover it.
3. Despicable Me
Ask most adults if they’ve been to see Despicable Me and you might just be surprised to hear how many of them have actually clapped eyes on those yellow minions.
The tale of an evil genius who hires cookie selling orphans to help him steal a shrink ray and reduce the size of the moon was an instant hit.
So much of a hit, in fact, that cinemas scheduled special late night screenings of the sequel for all the big kids who wanted to see it.
4. Shrek
The later sequels may have been slightly less popular but this story of a cantankerous green ogre was all the rage in Hollywood once upon a time.
Shrek 1, 2 and 3 entertained many an adult in the cinema, thanks in no small part to Eddie Murphy’s Donkey and Antonio Banderas’ Puss in Boots.
5. The Little Mermaid
Disney went through something of a golden age in the late 80s and early 1990s, throwing out animated classic after animated classic.
The Little Mermaid made a big comeback in the past year, and celebrates 25 years out of the sea in November.
It’s absolutely FINE to still want to be part of her world.
6. Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs
Every once in a while there’s a kids’ movie that comes out of nowhere and hits you in the face with a great big dose of pure enjoyment.
That’s precisely what Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs did, and still continues to do.
Who wouldn’t love a world where it rains food?
7. Aladdin
The second classic Disney offering on the list, Aladdin and his magic lamp cast a spell over cinema-goers back in 1992.
22 years and several atrocious covers of A Whole New World later, the tale of a diamond in the rough done good is still a treat for all the family to enjoy.
So if you want to come on down, stop on by, hop a carpet and fly to another Arabian night then do it. There’s absolutely NO shame in it.
8. The Iron Giant
This charming cinematic creation is often lost among the more mainstream kids’ flicks, which is strange when you consider the fact that Jennifer Aniston played a pretty central role.
Set in the 1950s, it introduced us to a boy who made friends with an innocent alien giant robot that a paranoid government agent wanted to destroy.
The kids might appreciate it, but only adults can bawl like a baby at the beautiful tale.
9. Frozen
There’s been a LOT of feeling and next to no concealing since Frozen essentially took over the cinema screens.
Loosely based on The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen, the movie follows sisters Ana and Elsa as they try to come to terms with the full extent of Elsa’s rather ‘deadly’ powers.
It’s perfectly legitimate to know all the words to title track Let It Go at this stage. Half of the people on your bus to work probably have it on their iPod.
10. Anastasia
It may be littered with historical inaccuracies but Anastasia – the fictional tale of the real-life Russian princess – is one of the most beautiful kids’ films of all time.
With a cracking villain, haunting music and an all-star cast featuring John Cusack, Meg Ryan, Kelsey Grammar and Angela Lansbury, this one’s a heavy hitter on all fronts.
Don’t be afraid to stick on the DVD once upon a December.
11. The Lion King
From the day it arrived on the planet the Lion King’s been breaking hearts and taking names.
No matter how many times you watch it, you’re NEVER ready for that stampede, and no amount of Hakuna Matata madness can prepare you for that iconic Scar scene.
Try your best not to fast forward through the upsetting bits: The kids will just complain.
12. The Lego Movie
An entire film made using Lego?
What’s NOT to love?
13. Beauty and The Beast
Tale as old as time is right: Beauty and The Beast is an utterly timeless classic, which many a woman may consider a metaphor for changing a man.
Belle and Beast’s b-e-a-u-tiful journey is just as much a chick flick as it is a kids’ movie, complete with a love-to-hate macho pretty boy in the form of one Gaston.
Sure don’t we all know one of them, wha?
14. Toy Story 1,2 & 3
Because we all know the last one was just made for those of us who were kids in 1995.
Now we know there are so many more kids’ films that could just have easily made the list so tell us, which ones do you find endlessly entertaining?