Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024
Snow Joke

This adorable little girl finds the very concept of snow laughable

A conspiracy theorist in the making.

SNOW? PSSH. NEVER heard of it.

little snow YouTube YouTube

This dad is explaining to his young daughter how snow works, but she isn’t having any of it. Snowflakes? Falling from the sky? Ha, this guy!

daddysfunny YouTube YouTube

OK, so her command of the English language isn’t too great yet – but she still makes it abundantly clear that she doesn’t believe a word he’s saying.

mrCurmudgeon / YouTube

She’ll make a great politician some day. We feel it in our bones.

14 people who took being bored at work to genius levels>

This guy proposed to his girlfriend 148 times… and she didn’t even notice>

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