Dublin: 14 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# local news

All time
Quiz: How well do you remember these local stories?
22 times local newspapers were a window into Ireland's soul
This man was caught on camera at the exact moment he found his car in a flooded car park
This news reporter had the best response to an idiotic heckler
This local news anchor's awkward joke fell horribly flat
Behold. The most awkward news segment you'll see today
Comically obvious drug deal goes down in the background of live news report
This brilliant article from a UK newsletter is the epitome of local news
Ireland's 'Best Train Station' has been named
Here is the single most dramatic news headline you'll see today
Guy drinks from a vase of flowers in weirdest photobomb ever
'Lasagne disaster' inspires the best headline ever
Easter Bunny begins having sex on local news show
This Welsh local news story will leave a bad taste in your mouth
Mortifying graphic oopsie gives female newsreader a pig face on live TV
Man interviewed on local news gives PERFECT description of winter
News reporter accidentally shows the world Pornhub bookmark on phone
Local news channel interview 'mellowed' teen about high school crime
Watch local news reporter pass out then amazingly continue her segment
Our very own Aengus Mac Grianna made it into the 2013 news blooper compilation
Local newsreader really wants to go home, says very bad word
TV reporter interviews cat about water rate increases
Local news reporter passionately uses the F-word on live TV
Local news anchor asks weatherman about his 'little weiner'
Baboon fondles reporter on live TV, is delighted with himself
This is the most honest local newspaper article ever
6 incredible moments from the background of television news reports
Little girl dances in the background of news report
The 21 greatest people ever captioned on TV news
Reporter terrified by magician on live TV
This newsreader and weather forecaster REALLY don't like each other
11 stories which prove local newspapers are absolutely delightful
VIDEO: This woman's description of a hailstorm is the best ever
VIDEO: News anchor cracks up over swimming cat
VIDEO: The best people in the whole world, caught on camera
WATCH: Newsreaders dropping F-bombs left, right and centre
VIDEO: The best local news interview ever?