I THINK WE’VE all felt the tension in the last few months as the launch of Paul Gogarty’s debut single drew near. Something in the air. Tension? Excitement? A blend of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide?
But anyway, fear not: the wait is almost over. Gogarty’s debut paid-for download single Wishing On A Photograph is out on Sunday.
In the meantime, all we have are these images from the song’s video. Which are, frankly, cryptic. But include a photo of a gravestone for “Paul Gogarty Mk 1″ who passed away in the general election on February 25, 2011. (He was famously the first to concede defeat).
There’s also a lady offering four glasses of coloured liquids, labelled Wisdom, Fame, Money and Love. From the next still, it doesn’t look like Paul enjoys any of them much.
Oh, and there’s also a picture of him blindfolded and apparently held captive by a man with a stocking over his face. No word yet on whether he was a former Green Party colleague.
All images: His Sweet Surprise
And here’s the new single in all its glory:
Problems loading the song? Try it again here.
Soundcloud/His Sweet Surprise
In other Paul Gogarty news, he reveals in the press release for the single that Jedward did work experience in his office. So, er, that happened.