IF THERE’S ONE thing the world can agree on in this turbulent time, it’s that pizza is intrinsically a good thing.
But there will always be a debate about the legitimacy of pineapple as a topping.
So Twitter user @OriginalSDM excellently played on those divisions – by getting people to retweet these pictures to “ruin a pineapple on pizza haters timeline”
It definitely worked.
Over 120,000 retweets in a few days means that this pineapple-packed pizza has been seen by millions.
For pineapple haters, it’s a disturbing sight
With nearly 3000 replies, everyone agrees on one thing:
congrats. it worked.
Others responded with a single word:
The sheer amount of pineapple was not OK
For the pineapple enthusiasts though, it was heaven-sent:
that pizza is like a dream that I want to devour
It truly is a divided world we live in (but we can always go half and half).