Dublin: 14 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024
"Hello, egg. You're my prisoner now" Topham/Topham Picturepoint/Press Association Images
burning question

The burning question: Eat your Easter eggs now or hoard them?

It’s almost the end of the bumper holiday weekend, so let distract you from the ‘serious’ news with one of life’s REAL dilemmas. (*not really)

WE KNOW HOW you feel. It’s Monday, the end of the bank holiday weekend is looming, and tomorrow the real world is going to come crashing back.

So do like we do here in HQ and get stuck into a serious debate on one of life’s most pressing issues.


This week: You probably got a few eggs yesterday, right? Are they tempting you in their shiny wrappers? Have you ALREADY eaten them? Or are you holding off? Are you one of those people who don’t feel the lure of the sugar high and who leaves their Easter eggs for days, weeks or even months, waiting for the right moment?

The world is divided into two types of people: those who eat their Easter eggs with gleeful abandon and those who hoard them. Which are you?

Vote here: Do you eat your Easter eggs as soon as you get them? Or do you hoard them?

Poll Results:

B - I hoard them for a long time. I like to torture all the chocolate addicts I know. (881)
C - I didn't get any eggs and this poll is just adding to my anguish. (427)
A - I eat my eggs on Easter Sunday or else soon afterwards. I might even be eating an egg right now. (359)
D - Can't we all just get along? (279)

Got a burning question that has divided your household/work colleagues/friends? Let us know in the comments section or email us at

See previous Burning Questions >

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