IT WAS ONLY earlier this week that we were documenting the wonder that is Ryan Reynolds’ Twitter account.
It’s packed full of comic and parenting gems.
So it was only appropriate that he put in a performance on Thursday’s Good Morning America to promote his new science fiction movie Life.
And it produced more iconic moments than your standard celebrity fare.
At the start, they brought up his legendary Twitter account – and he spoke about parenting in general
He was especially hilarious when it comes to flying:
I’ve always had empathy for parents especially like [during] flying. Before I had kids, I was always like, ‘God, that’s hard.’ You can see the parents are sweating and they’re nervous because their kids are yelling and everyone’s mad at them.
I would rather drink a piping hot bowl of liquid rabies than get on a plane with my two children.
It’s quite an experience:
At two years old, they just have to rip all their clothes off and introduce themselves to everyone on the plane. ‘Can we please just land in a farmer’s field?’
And then he moved on to his new Hollywood friendship with Jake Gyllenhaal:
“I’ve probably done 50 movies in 24 years and every time you work with people you’re like ‘I’m going to hang out with this guy all the time’ and then you… never see them again”
And whether his new film is child-appropriate:
“Don’t ask me for parenting advice: ‘Let’s all watch The Exorcist, kids’”
One of the presenters then put to him a nugget that his wife Blake Lively had just talked about in an interview:
She revealed the best life advice that has helped her succeed. Her mom told her that no matter what you say she was doing you can’t mess it up.
Ryan’s reponse?
“I disagree with it. Respectfully.”
The whole eight minute segment is probably worth a watch for soundness alone
Get him on the Late Late.