EARLIER THIS WEEK, temperatures slipped below zero for the first time in a couple of months. Halloween is also behind us now, which means that it’s heavy jacket weather.
With the bad weather, there are less people cycling to work and more people taking buses. Paired with the Christmas shoppers in the afternoons and evenings, taking the bus is a considerably less comfortable venture than it was during the summer when the kids were off school and it just breezed in and out of the city centre.
With all of these new passengers wrapped up in their winter gear, it doesn’t take long for the buses to get a bit stuffy. Depending on your levels of tolerance, a steamy packed bus full of people in their heaviest coats can range from being a little bit gross to incredibly frustrating.
Some people are adamant that the windows need to be open, because there’s way too many germs going around at this time of year and the sweaty condensation is revolting. Others think it’s absolutely mad to even consider opening the windows on the bus at this time of year.
Regardless of which option you prefer, you can’t deny that those who stand up to open a window on a packed bus in winter are very brave individuals. They never know what reaction they are going to be met with.