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12 signs that you are unhealthily obsessed with musicals

I dreamed a dream in time gone byyyyyy… *sobs*

1. 24601 isn’t just a series of numbers to you

Colm_LM Source: Colmwilkinson

It’s EVERYTHING. (Shout out to Colm Wikinson, the OG Valjean.)

2. You have a flair for the, eh, dramatic

tumblr_m91jgojUMl1rbz7azo1_500 Source: Tumblr

You’re just a passionate person, OK?

3. You have a list of shows you dream of one day seeing on the West End or on Broadway

Do you hear the people sing? Source: Instagram/aissacamille

4. And if you’ve been you’ve never, ever stopped talking about it

images/article/2016/02/02/tumblr_m9i4hiFQvZ1rxtpi1o7_500 Source: Pedestriantv-prod

“Well, when I went to see Book of Mormon on Broadway, it wa-”
“It was brilliant. Yes, we know. Thank you Denise.”

5. You know basically everything about Hamilton without even setting foot in the theatre

Lin-Manuel Miranda as Alexander Hamilton, who was born on this day in 1755 or 1757 (exact date unclear). The world would never be the same. Photo: JoshLehrer.com with a camera lens from the mid 1800s. Source: Instagram/hamiltonmusical

Of course Lin-Manuel Miranda should EGOT. He’s a genius.

6. You have a private Spotify playlist made up entirely of showtunes

musicals Source: Spotify

Or maybe not private? No harm in it.

7. Which you sing in the car and in the shower

tumblr_m23jdiSvwN1r6bq34o1_250 Source: Tumblr

It doesn’t matter what anyone else says about your voice. In your car, you are Idina Menzel.

8. You’re one of the few people in Ireland who actually cares about the Tony Awards

Theater-Tony Awards Source: AP/Press Association Images

Bigger than the Oscars, TBH.

9. And you are HUGELY suspicious of all the film adaptations

Anne-Hathaway-Les-Mis Source: Thesongbirdtree

Yet cried like a baby as Anne Hathaway warbled I Dreamed A Dream, all the same.

10. You have at least one friend who is as crazy about musicals as you are

tumblr_inline_mnfwdinc6a1qz4rgp_by_iceskatingelsa-d7hfm17 Source: deviantART

Your duet partner <3

11. When you’re together, the conversation becomes an impenetrable mess of musical references

#phantomoftheopera #ptop #jamesbarbour #breathtaking #两米八大长腿加上开口即跪的声音 #小c虽然不及人鱼但是有这么帅的魅影 #心满意足激动疯了 Source: Instagram/yimei_vanessa

“So what’s your favourite overture?” “Ooh. Phantom?”

12. And you’re certain that someday soon, Andrew Lloyd Webber will discover your talent

Theater-School of Rock Source: AP/Press Association Images

Then, you will become the Broadway star you were always meant to be. Soon, child. Soon.

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