Dublin: 6 °C Saturday 15 February, 2025

Outraged at the price of sweets these days? You're not alone...

Remember when a Chomp was 10p? And penny sweets were a penny?

WHEN WAS THE last time you bought a penny sweet? Or ten penny sweets for ten pennies?

We’re guessing it’s been a while, seeing as ‘penny sweets’ can now cost anything from 2c to a jaw-dropping 5c, and of course by rights we should be called them ‘cent sweets’, which is just nonsense.

A recent post on the Irish arm of Reddit has got us thinking about the price of sweets and how 20p used to get you a Big Time bar, a packet of 5p crisps AND five penny sweets. Now it wouldn’t even buy you a Stinger.

Here’s the Animal Bar outrage:

Animal Bars gone up to 30c?! This country has gone to sh*t.

And the Redditor is not alone

Remember when a Chomp was 10p?

How much will a Chomp set you back these days? (@EightiesTunes/Twitter)

Big Time bars were 10p too

You can buy them online for anything from 35c to 65c (Caffreys)

A packet of crisps was 12p, and then 14p… and even 3p at one stage!

(Memory Radio Boyle)

You could get Sparklers, and they were 10p:

1988 HB prices (Unilever archives/HB Ice Cream Memories)

What are your abiding memories of the sweets you bought and loved? Let us know in the comments section below…

Stephen Roche, Swingball, Big Time Bars: Ireland in the 1980s (pics)>

11 amazing things you used to get in cereal boxes>

Mr Wendal, Ebeneezer Goode and Haddaway… remember this gang?

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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