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8 reasons why it's not ok to talk about Christmas yet

A very merry unChristmas to you.

Image: Imgur

“CHRISTMAS” IS TRENDING on Twitter in Ireland today.

This is not a drill.This is an emergency.

It’s not even Hallowe’en yet.

We haven’t even had a chance to reminisce about costumes made out of sheets and black sacks.

We’re still clinging on to the idea of an Indian summer. We only just found out which Friday we need to stay in for the Toy Show for the love of God!

Too soon people. Too soon.

1. Last year’s trees aren’t even cold

Show some respect….

Source: kirinqueen

2. You’re taking the magic out of selection boxes

Only at Christmas is it acceptable to eat a Curly Wurly and a Twirl for breakfast.

With the selection boxes in the shops already, we could to that tomorrow if we wanted.


Source: Robert Mitchell/DailyEdge.ie

3. October and Christmas jumpers do not mix

In fact, these ones were on sale in Penneys in September. WHO SANCTIONED THIS?

Source: Imgur

4. It’s too early to watch Christmas films

Put that National Lampoon’s DVD DOWN DAMMIT!

Source: Tumblr

Source: Barnorama

Source: Gifsoup

5. The turkeys need more time to get used to the idea

Source: BlogSpot

6. So do the cats


Source: Imgur


Source: Loljam

7. You haven’t even broken out your winter coat yet

You’re still “inbetween coats” and you want to talk about decking halls and drinking Baileys? What a liberty!

Source: Imgur

8. Your ma hasn’t made the puddings or the cake

Everyone knows they have to sit in the press for a few months before you can eat them.


Source: Irishamericanmom

Have you spotted any signs of Christmas? Report them to us in the comments section…

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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