Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# washing

All time
Mattie McGrath goes viral after discussing laundry in the Dáil
Where can I hang my washing so it doesn't get in the way?
Honestly, how often do you wash your jeans?
Sick of doing the washing? Scientists are one step closer to inventing self-cleaning clothes
Do astronauts shower while they're in space?
The truth about how often you should wash your hair, according to science
Your pillows are filled with dust mites and dead skin cells — here's how to wash them
Woman devises cunning plan to rescue her bra from neighbour's back garden
Woman swallowed by sinkhole while hanging out her washing
More than half of you wash raw chicken and that's really dangerous
Prankster confuses his mam by autocorrecting her texts to a passage from Ulysses
Greatest dad ever takes kids on washing basket sleigh ride
9 of the worst smells found in every Irish household
The 16 stages of clothes washing rage
How many of these household jobs are you putting off right now?
Want to humiliate your mates on national television? Look no further...