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Vital Statistics

When is Ireland's favourite time to get married, born and... em, die?

A quick look at Ireland’s vital stats from the last decade…

IRELAND’S HAD A rocky ride over the past decade: we managed to punch above our weight economically for a while, raise our profile internationally and have a bit of a knees up… before being brought right back down to Earth again.

But in between the whirl of Celtic Tiger excesses and recessionary woes, life still went on. So we’ve taken a look at Ireland’s vital statistics from 2000 – 2011, asking: just when is our favourite time to be born, get married and shuffle off this mortal coil?

All figures sourced from the Central Statistics Office

When is Ireland's favourite time to get married, born and... em, die?
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  • Weddings

  • Deaths

  • Births

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