Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024
random act of kindness

A woman was having 'one of those days' when a stranger handed her this lovely note


YOU KNOW THOSE stupid days where nothing seems to go right for you?

An Alabama woman named Melissa Simms was having “one of those days” last week when, out of nowhere, a stranger handed her this lovely note and a crisp $100 bill.

12193649_878522592217323_7070433242067953240_n Melissa Simms / Facebook Melissa Simms / Facebook / Facebook

The note reads:

I’ve had days like you are having today. Hang in there.

Simms shared the photo on Facebook and said the woman gave the note to her son while they were both waiting to see the doctor.

Needless to say, it made her day.

This made my whole entire day THANK YOU and I will pay it forward! I have read about these random acts of kindness, but this is the first time I have ever experienced it first hand!!! Just thought maybe this could cheer up someone’s day as much as it has mine!!!

See? People aren’t so bad after all.


Here’s the story behind this gorgeous photo of a couple kissing in the Liffey >

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