SO YESTERDAY IT snowed alot around Ireland, especially given that it’s March and surely it’s now Spring time and therefore not time for snow.
Anyway, if you’re anything like us you probably went to bed last night hoping for even more snow and maybe a snow day.
Remember snow days? You’d get the whole day off school and an excuse to spend the whole day doing things that weren’t school related.
If today had been a snow day there are any number of things you could have done both by staying inside all day and enjoying the snow-y world outside.
Here are our suggestions for snow day activities on the off chance we get one soon. Hopefully.
1. Stay in your pyjamas all day
Some of you may not need the snow as an excuse to do this BUT there’s nothing like it being too cold and possibly dangerous to go outside to give you an excuse to lounge around in your PJs.
Possibly saying things like “Well what’s the point in getting dressed? I mean it’s already 2pm, I’ll be back in bed in 8 hours!” while your dog sits silently in the kitchen judging you.
2. Watch questionable movies
Perhaps you are 6 hours into your snow day, you’re on your fifth hot chocolate and you really can’t leave the house.
You sit on your couch, desperately wondering what you can watch to pass the day.
Then you see it, the The Best of Jennifer Aniston boxset your ex-housemate left behind.
You tell yourself you couldn’t possibly spend the day watching rom-coms, just because it’s snowing.
How silly would that be?
Oh go on. Just one questionable 90s comedy can’t hurt:
zuguidemovietrailers / YouTube
3. Baking
If you’re anything like us you’ll find the whole “baking” thing something you’d love to commit too but are just too busy.
Well if snow day sees you stuck indoors then why not give baking a bash.
Take any/all (hopefully) in date baking products you have and see what kind of snow cake happens.
It will probably taste wretched but at least you did something vaguely productive with your snow day.
Image via ShutterStock.com
4. Snow sculpture
If you can make it outside to enjoy the snow, never mind making a snowman.
Any old fool can do that.
Be an overachiever and get into snow sculpture.
Definitely more impressive:
Nathan Bilow/AP/Press Association Images
5. Snow glasses
Mind you, if you are going to make regular snowmen, you should rock some sunglasses like this incredibly cool child:
Scott Wilson/PA Wire/Press Association Images
6. Sing a trendy song in the snow
Perhaps, like these young women, you’ll use your snow day as a chance to sing a song by Mercury Prize winning indie rock act Alt-J while surrounded by snowy scenery.
Helena Charlton-Jones / YouTube
7. Watch some chihuahuas play in the snow
Perhaps you can borrow some chihuahuas from a friend and make them frolic in the snow for you.
Or just watch this video
Mike Buonaiuto / YouTube
8 . Actually, watch some golden retriever puppies play in the snow
If you thought the chihuahuas were cute, just watch this lot roam in the snow in slow motion and try not to cry tears of joy
HeathGRPuppies / YouTube
9. Dance with your dog in the snow
Nothing says “snow day” quite like doing the rhumba with your dog while the snow falls around you
Jens Meyer/AP/Press Association Images
10. Make a short film with your soft toys
If we were stuck indoors from school in the YouTube age we definitely would have got our soft toys and make them have adventures in the snow and then put it online like this:
SuperDentBros / YouTube
11. Watch the movie Snow Day
Look you can act like you’d spend the day watching Fargo but if you’re having a snow day then why not watch the movie Snow Day?
As you can see from the trailer, it looks cerebral and sophisticated
paramountmovies / YouTube
12. Do the Harlem (Snow) Shake
We know it’s over and we know we prefer funny goat videos now but this just proves there is a Harlem Shake video for everything.
When you’re on hour 12 of being stuck indoors because of snow you might even decide to make your own Harlem Shake video, with you holding a shoddily baked “snow cake” and a Jennifer Aniston boxset.
Or something.
David Clark / YouTube