Dublin: 7 °C Wednesday 23 October, 2024
jump in my car

Now THIS is how you sell a used car

All other eBay sellers will have to up their game.

IT CAN BE tricky trying to sell a used car especially when you move into the competitive world of trying to sell online.

One couple have figured out a unique way to gain attention for their proposed sale thanks to some clever eBay work.

Murdo Guy and Camilla Banks are trying to flog a rather run down Mercedes e320 CDI by appealing to the sense of humour of eBay users.

They point out that if you are “low on self esteem, with a strapped budget, but shooting for the stars” then this is the auction for you.

The car seems to have had quite the adventure under the couple’s care:

Since owning the vehicle, it has been thrashed, raced, rallied, and the interior has been smashed up in a domestic, not to mention the time my wife booted the wing because I suggested she eat a salad or two.

There are some faults but if you have dreams of playing top tunes in your battered second-hand car you’re in luck:

The stereo system is suited to playing Russian Techno, Polish house, Bulgarian dubsteb, Romanian hard house, and turkish trance at full volume, whilst not detracting from the over glamour of the avian fecal mattered roof and rusty panels.

The best bit is undoubtedly how Camilla decides to model alongside the car, she could definitely teach our Georgia Salpa a thing or two:

via eBay

Who hasn’t tried this pose with their mates on top of a car?

via eBay

And we respect her dedication to modelling the storage capacity of the car:

via eBay

The ad has gone viral over the last few days and the sellers are fielding all kinds of questions on their page

The bidding has now reached over £155,100 so you might want to head over and place your bid before it runs out in five days.

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